Electrical and Transmission Defects in the Chrysler 300

By: Sepehr Daghighian

The Chrysler 300 is known to have one of the most powerful engines available in a domestically manufactured vehicle and over the years, this performance-oriented car has built itself an exemplary stature amongst its competitors. Despite its merits, however, oftentimes owners encounter an array of serious electrical and transmission-related complications. Making matters worse, Chrysler dealerships are also known for poor maintenance and aid when it comes to fixing problems that fall under the warranty. CCA’s lemon law attorneys are up to date with all such issues and are willing to help if you’re facing any trouble with your vehicle. We invite you to call our experts today for a free consultation: (833) LEMON-FIRM.   

What Are the Common Electrical and Transmission Issues in the Chrysler 300?

Transmission Fluid Leak

Several Chrysler users have noticed a fluid leak in their vehicle, this usually occurs due to transmission related issues. This is not considered to be a fatal issue, however; it could cause severe long-term damage to your car’s engine if not repaired. Also, the transmission leak is oftentimes accompanied by harsh shifting, transmission jerking, and other transmission issues.

Shudder Vibration/Buzzing Sounds

Chrysler 300 owners have also reported that this problem is encountered during light acceleration and usually occurs on the 3rd, 4th or 5th gear. This occurs when the transmission fluid has been contaminated due to leakage of water that has gone past the transmission tube. Unfortunately, Chrysler dealerships have been ineffective at fixing these issues.

Rough Shifting

Countless Chrysler 300 owners have described the gear shifting in their cars as jerky and rough. Owners have also faced trouble shifting the car out of park mode and some complaints state that even shifting beyond 2nd gear is difficult and errantic.  Unfortunately, this is another issue for which Chrysler dealerships are unable to effectuate repairs.

Vehicle Stalling

A car stall can be caused by a variety of electrical issues. A stall can be extremely dangerous in some situations, it increases the risk of crashes and injuries. Several Chrysler 300 owners have complained regarding the stalling issues that usually occur on low speeds, when turning, and during gear shifts.

An owner of the Chrysler 300 2016 model stated, “While driving at a low speeds, the contact depressed the brake and accelerator pedals at the same time and the vehicle stalled. The “electronic throttle control system should be serviced” warning indicator illuminated. The contact had to place the vehicle in park and restart it to resume driving”.

Another user complained, “I was driving about 50mph and things started shutting down like the radio and the instrument panel said the car was going into power saving mode. I had about 5 miles to my destination and my car stalled right before I got there but I kept up my speed and was able to coast in. I tried starting it just to see and got nothing.”

Here is a partial list of recent models that are known to have Electrical and Transmission defects:

  • 2015 Chrysler 300
  • 2016 Chrysler 300
  • 2017 Chrysler 300
  • 2018 Chrysler 300
  • 2019 Chrysler 300

What Can I Do if My Chrysler 300 is Facing Any of the Issues Discussed Above?

If your Chrysler 300 has been facing any electrical/transmission related issues or if you have been noticing any of the symptoms discussed above, please contact our expert lemon law attorneys for a free consultation.  We are here to understand your problems and provide you with viable solutions for your defective vehicle. Our firm is equipped with a team of experienced and committed lawyers who are ready to guide you in the right direction. Please feel free to contact our experts for a free consultation at (833) LEMON-FIRM.

About the Author
Sepehr Daghighian is a partner with CCA that is well-versed in all aspects of lemon-law litigation. A 2005 graduate of Loyola Law School, Mr. Daghighian has been practicing litigation throughout the state of California for over 13-years. In this time, Mr. Daghighian has advocated on behalf of California consumers in hundreds of lemon law cases throughout our great state. Mr. Daghighian has also successfully tried numerous such cases to verdict in both Federal and State Court.